Easy Arms Workout

Look great sleeveless with these simple and effective arm-toning exercises.
Make flabby arms a thing of the past with this Easy Arms Workout that tones and shapes your biceps and triceps.

Close grip press up

Reps: 10

  1. Get in a press up position, knees on the floor, and position your hands so that they are 6 to 7 inches apart.

  2. Lower your torso slowly into the down position, keeping elbows pointing backwards and close to your sides. Make sure that your core stays tight and straight. Push back to the starting position and repeat.

Dumbbell curl

Reps: 12
Sets: 2

  1. Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forwards and elbows at your sides, feet shoulder-width apart.

  2. Curl and lift the dumbbells to waist height, bending at your elbows. Lower dumbbells slowly back to starting position and repeat.

Overhead triceps extension

Reps: 12
Sets: 2

  1. Sit down on a flat bench, dumbbell in your right hand, lifting it overhead so your arm is straight.

  2. Keeping your elbow still and your upper arm close to your head, bend at the elbow and lower dumbbell behind your head. Pause then straighten your arm to starting position. Do 12 reps and switch arms.

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